Monday, 6 September 2010

Snoring & Diabetes - The Relationship Every Snorer Must be Aware Of

According to a recent post at the Daily Mail, people who snore have a drastically higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes. This finding was revealed from a study conducted at Yale University which dealt with patients who had sleep apnoea.

The study found that the louder someone snores the higher their risk may be of developing type 2 diabetes, as well of suffering from a variety of other health conditions, including high blood pressure. It is not known exactly what the connection may be between sleep apnoea and these health conditions, but the link appears to be legitimate.

It must be noted that the study spoken about dealt with patients who had sleep apnoea, which not all snorers will have. However, it's best to be aware of the potential risk and seek treatment for snoring, even if it isn’t as serious as true sleep apnoea. Anyone who snores or who notices a sudden increase in the volume of their snores would be advised to find out what the cause is and whether they are at risk.

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